

these tasty Gingers in

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  • In the shop : min. 12°C – 13°C
  • Ethylene sensitivity: low
  • Ethylene production: None
  • At home: room temperature, dark room

Fresh ginger is best kept in a cool and dark place. When kept in a humid place, a great risk of mould exists.

Ginger roots will keep for two to three weeks in a plastic bag in the fridge.

Quality and ripeness

  • Rough and bumpy appearance, but fresh ginger must feel plump and fleshy
  • Peppery and light-sweet taste
  • Light brown skin and creamy, yellow to light green flesh


Fresh ginger is very spicy and therefore does not require large quantities.

Ginger can be used for both sweet and savoury dishes and preparations. Hot ginger tea with lemon and honey is a popular winter drink which can be served as a lemonade in summertime. Ginger constitutes a basic ingredient in Asian cuisine, it adds a spicy flavour to stir-fries, soups and curries. Ginger combines well with meat, chicken, fish and poultry. The combinations with vegetables are endless.

Peal a piece of ginger and cut it into smaller pieces or larger disks before use. Large disks can be removed after preparation.



Virgin Dark & Stormy

Are you a true fan of ginger and totally wild about ginger lemonade? Please make this stormy mocktail based on the delicious ginger juice.


8 units of ginger lemonade, tasty recipes for this you will surely find after some googling.

1/2 unit lime juice

2 units pineapple juice

Finish with ice and lime grass

Put these all together and you can enjoy a non-alcoholic, yet spicy drink.

Transport methods

Air Sea Land


Transport method
not used
Transport method